It is the graphical desktop where we have
1. Panel
2. Applet and
3. Workspace
Panel is the area where we can access some actions or informations.....
Applets are small interactive applications that resides on the panel eg. volume controller.
You can add or remove appletes to and from panel by rigth clicking on the panel...
Workspace is where we do all the works.
We can change the workspace with the key ctl+alt+(right/left) arrow.
Graphically we can change the same by clicking the icons present at the down right corner of the workspace!
We can change the properties of the workspaces
(rigth click on the workspace icon -> preferances).
We can do logout, switch user, shutdown, reboot, hibernate, suspend or lock screen from the dropdown list of the system tab.
Changing the password
Any user can change his password from System->preferences->about me. Only root user can change others password. When you are giving the new password make sure that you have giver a strong password. (minimum 6 characters and atleast two member of lower case, upper case, number or sp. characters)
Gedit is a very simple graphical text editor. By using different editing options like cut, copy , paste, find, find and replace etc it makes using it easier.
1. Panel
2. Applet and
3. Workspace
Panel is the area where we can access some actions or informations.....
Applets are small interactive applications that resides on the panel eg. volume controller.
You can add or remove appletes to and from panel by rigth clicking on the panel...
Workspace is where we do all the works.
We can change the workspace with the key ctl+alt+(right/left) arrow.
Graphically we can change the same by clicking the icons present at the down right corner of the workspace!
We can change the properties of the workspaces
(rigth click on the workspace icon -> preferances).
We can do logout, switch user, shutdown, reboot, hibernate, suspend or lock screen from the dropdown list of the system tab.
Changing the password
Any user can change his password from System->preferences->about me. Only root user can change others password. When you are giving the new password make sure that you have giver a strong password. (minimum 6 characters and atleast two member of lower case, upper case, number or sp. characters)
Gedit is a very simple graphical text editor. By using different editing options like cut, copy , paste, find, find and replace etc it makes using it easier.