Normally all software for rhel are called RPM packages. RPM Package
Manager provides a standard way to package software for distribution ,
install, update and removing the software. We have package kit or yum to
install and manage packages(software).
Using PackageKit
Go system -> Administration -> add or remove software
Its a graphical utility used to manage packages.It will show all the packages installed or available in the repository.(repository should be configured b4). Check box with the package name says whether its installed or not. Installation of uninstallation can be done by checking or unchecking the box.
To Get latest updates from Redhat you should register with RHN(RedHat Network).
Go System -> Administration -> RHN Registration
To Update software we have update manager
Go System -> Administration -> Software update
Using PackageKit
Go system -> Administration -> add or remove software
Its a graphical utility used to manage packages.It will show all the packages installed or available in the repository.(repository should be configured b4). Check box with the package name says whether its installed or not. Installation of uninstallation can be done by checking or unchecking the box.
To Get latest updates from Redhat you should register with RHN(RedHat Network).
Go System -> Administration -> RHN Registration
To Update software we have update manager
Go System -> Administration -> Software update